Thematic Entry Points

The members and global networking partners of the Alliance collaborate on a broad spectrum of subjects and dimensions pertaining to science diplomacy. We have organised the thematic endeavours into the following Thematic Entry Points. Please feel free to reach out to us ( if you are interested in collaborating on any of them.

Science Advice, Anticipatory Science Diplomacy and Foresight (SCIENCE ADVICE)

Science Diplomacy initiatives are usually not developed as strategic instruments that focus on the long-term. Anticipating potential trends and scenarios of future needs of the community can support the development of a coordinated and coherent approach at national level (e.g. between different ministries), regional level (e.g. within the EU) and global level (e.g. to address global challenges).

Given the fast pace of science and technology and their impact, our aim is to translate this knowledge into practical science diplomacy tools and to support political decisions informed by scientific evidence.

Science, Technology, Innovation Diplomacy (STID) and Gender Equality (GENDER)

The focus should be given on Science, Technology and Innovation diplomacy (STID). The role of science and innovative technologies (e.g. AI, quantum computing) in evidence based policy making, diplomacy and international security.

The capacity of international, multidisciplinary scientific collaborations to foster peaceful international relations, tackle global challenges, overcoming barriers and potential biases for gender and equality.

European research diasporas as stakeholders in Science Diplomacy (DIASPORAS)

Research diasporas promote science diplomacy in an informal, collaborative approach with government actors, research institutions, and other scientific organisations. They connect different countries through civil society: sharing best practices, enhancing research collaborations and mobility, and easing international relations in a bottom up manner.

Ocean Science Diplomacy (OCEAN)

Ocean science and diplomacy have been at the front in the latest international ocean governance initiatives (e.g., the BBNJ negotiations and deep-sea mining). This underlines the importance of engaging in Ocean Science Diplomacy.

There is a long tradition for ocean scientists to engage with policymakers and with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14, Life Below Water. The Thematic Entry Point (TEP) on Ocean Science Diplomacy aims to focus on the Ocean dimension of Science Diplomacy to strengthen the EU’s global position in ocean-related matters.

How to built equitable Science Diplomacy between the North and the South (GLOBAL NORTH AND SOUTH)

This reflection group focuses on science diplomacy with countries in the southern regions. The group aims to establish a genuine dialogue that fosters the collaborative development of new strategies in science diplomacy.

It will also involve developing a common analysis on scientific relations between the North and the South which still present a significant imbalance in favour of the North. By actively participating in this initiative, the goal is to create partnerships that prioritise equity and solidarity, ensuring that collaborations are beneficial to all parties involved in the medium and long term.