Video Gallery

Launch of the EU Science Diplomacy Alliance

Launch of the EU Science Diplomacy Alliance at the S4D4C Final networking meeting

What is Science Diplomacy?

What Is Science Diplomacy for Addressing Global Challenges?

Introducing the EU Science Diplomacy Alliance and 2021 Outlook (INGSA 2021)

Stakeholder Messages

Angela Liberatore - Can you tell us briefly about your background and current position?

Susanne Keppler-Schlesinger - Your background, your current position and your main responsibilities?

Miguel Oliveros - How do you think science diplomacy can contribute to reinforce Spanish diplomacy?

Izaskun Lacunza - What makes the Spanish Science Diplomacy different from other models?

Minh Hà Pham - What is your background?

InsSsciDE Lectures & Webinar Recordings

Power, Actors and Interests of European Science Diplomacy - WSDS21

Space diplomacy in the Cold War context: Cooperation vs. competition - WSDS21 Case Study

Constructing ITER: Reciprocity and compromise in fusion science diplomacy - WSDS21 Case Study

The workers’ strike of 1963 at the German excavation of Tell Chuera - WSDS21 Case Study

The role of data in global vaccination governance: a matter for health diplomacy - WSDS21 Case Study

Science Diplomacy in Power, Brexit & the Environment - WSDS21

Linking the Past, Present and Future in Science Diplomacy Strategy - WSDS21

Forum on Science Diplomacy - SD and Covid-19 webinar series

Economic meets technoscientific diplomacy - SD and Covid-19 webinar series

Global perspectives on health diplomacy - SD and Covid-19 webinar series

Practitioners' Panel: Science Diplomats in the Field - WSDS21

Science Diplomacy in Power, Brexit & the Environment - WSDS21

Flash presentations on interculturality & science diplomacy training

S4D4C Final Networking Meeting

Opening ceremony - S4D4C Final Networking Meeting

Harnessing global challenges - S4D4C Final Networking Meeting

Understanding the Role of Governments I - S4D4C Final Networking Meeting

Understanding the Role of Governments II - S4D4C Final Networking Meeting

Building Alliances for SciDip and to Tackle COVID-19 - S4D4C Final Networking Meeting

Changing Role of International Organisations - S4D4C Final Networking Meeting

Peter Agre - Opening doors worldwide through science - S4D4C Final Networking Meeting

Strengthening SciDip Transboundary Institutions - S4D4C Final Networking Meeting

SciDip Training and Opportunities for Boundary Org - S4D4C Final Networking Meeting

Closing Ceremony Future of EU SciDip and S4D4C Legacy - S4D4C Final networking meeting

S4D4C Final networking meeting: Building Alliances for SciDip and to Tackle COVID-19

Member Events

IIASA 50th Anniversary Science Diplomacy Event