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Strengthening Science Diplomacy In and For Europe Through Horizon Europe

02/2024  |  EU Science Diplomacy Alliance

Authors  Luk Van Langenhove, Diana Shendrikova, Claire Mays

Co-Authors, Contributors   Javier Pardo-Diaz, Jean-Christophe Mauduit, Izaskun Lacunza, Charlotte Rungius, Mostafa Moonir Shawrav, Martin Reinhart, Emanuela Colombo, Elke Dall

The European Science Diplomacy Alliance POLICY BRIEF "Strengthening Science Diplomacy In and For Europe Through Horizon Europe" was prepared by Luk Van Langenhove, Diana Shendrikova and Claire Mays...

Research, innovation, and technology policy in times of geopolitical competition

10/2023  |  Publications Office of the European Union

Authors  Dixson-Declève, Sandrine; Renda, Andrea; Schwaag Serger, Sylvia; Soete, Luc; Balland, Pierre-Alexandre; Christophilopoulos, Epaminondas; Dunlop, Kirsten; Martins, Francisca; Pedersen, Gitte; Walz, Rainer; Charveriat, Céline; Isaksson, Darja; Mir Roca, Montserrat; Stres, Spela; Golebiowska-Tataj, Daria; Huang, Ailin

In its latest publication, the Expert Group on the Economic and Societal Impact of Research and Innovation (ESIR) underlines how Europe’s established model of openness is being challenged. In an era...

New architectures for bottom-up science diplomacy: Learning from the evolving Portuguese diaspora in the UK

08/2023  |  Global Policy

Authors  Luís Miguel Lacerda, Manuel Heitor, Jean-Christophe Mauduit

Scientific diasporas and related non-state actors have increasingly been coming into play to permeate and promote modern science diplomacy. However, these non-formal collaborative architectures are...

Science Diplomacy: Foundations and Practice

09/2023  |  EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste

Authors  Ed. Simone Arnaldi

What is science diplomacy? Why is it important in a world marked by global challenges such as climate change and confrontation between great powers? What knowledge can be mobilised to study this...

Seminar Report 2023: Thinking, Debating, and Shaping Science Diplomacy


Authors  Eric Piaget, Diana Shendrikova, Luciana Radut-Gaghi, and Luk Van Langenhove

The field of science diplomacy holds immense potential for addressing global challenges and fostering ...

Comprendre l’essor de la diplomatie scientifique

05/2023  |  The Conversation

Authors  Marielle Payaud, Olfa Zéribi

Our dear colleagues and Alliance members from the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) Marielle Payaud and Olfa Zéribi recently published an interesting piece in "The Conversation". Titled...

History and Science Diplomacy (Histoire et diplomatie scientifique)

02/2022  |  Histoire, Europe et Relations Internationales

Authors  edited by Léonard Laborie

Co-Authors, Contributors   Léonard Laborie, Rasmus Gjedssø Bertelsen, Daniella Palmberg and Pierre-Bruno Ruffini et. al.

This special issue on history and science diplomacy is published in French, but also contains highly interesting contributions in English language. Among the team of authors are Léonard Laborie,...

The Precarious Balance Between Research Openness and Security

03/2023  |  Issues in Science and Technology

Authors  Colglazier, E. William

Colloquia on Science Diplomacy MMXXII

06/2023  |  Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana fondata da Giovanni Treccani S.p.A

Authors  Edited by Roberto Antonelli, Giorgio Parisi and Wolfango Plastino

The Colloquia on Science Diplomacy, organized by the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, promote the values of Diplomacy...

Where is the Global South in the Science Diplomacy Narrative?

12/2022  |  SSRN - Elsevier

Authors  Andrei Polejack, Jenice Goveas, Sam Robinson, Tim Flink, Gabriela Ferreira

Despite the mainstreaming of trendy terms such as ‘inclusivity, diversity and Global South’, there still exists an unfortunate under-representation of the Global South in science diplomacy...

POST rapid response: Science Diplomacy (Nov. 2022)

11/2022  |  UK Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology

The UK Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology published a Rapid response on the topic of Science Diplomacy on Thursday, 10 November, 2022. It provides an overview of science diplomacy,...

Annotated collection of guidance for secure and successful international R&I cooperation: 2022 update

07/2022  |  EU Knowledge Network on China (EU KNOC)

This document is an update to the “Analysis of current and publicly available documents on securing international science cooperation” that was published within the EU Knowledge Network on China...

Commission Communication on a European strategy for universities

01/2022  |  European Commission

In the communication, the European Commission emphasises the role of Universities as "Drivers of Europe's Global Role and Leadership" - reaching out to the world, building Europe's connections and...

Innovations in Science Diplomacy (​​JSPG-UCL STEaPP Special Issue)

08/2022  |  Journal of Science Policy & Governance

The Department of Science Technology, Engineering & Public Policy, University College London (one of the associated partners of the EU Science Diplomacy Alliance) partnered with the Journal of Science...

Council Conclusions on EU Digital Diplomacy

07/2022  |  Council of the EU

The Council agreed on a more concerted European approach to the challenges posed by new digital technologies and approved conclusions on EU digital diplomacy.

All-Atlantic ocean research alliance: a success story of ocean science diplomacy

07/2022  |  Publications Office of the European Union

Authors  Nemeth, S.(editor), Casarotto, E.(editor), Gruber, S.(editor), McDonagh, L.(editor), Segebarth, N.(editor), Nagy, E.(editor)

In February 2020, EU Commissioner Mariya Gabriel described the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance as a “concrete positive example” of science diplomacy. It is an SD effort between countries...

Science Diplomacy Edition of MCAA Newsletter June 2022

Dispatches from the South China Sea: Navigating to Common Ground

Ministries of Foreign Affairs and the Challenge of Science Diplomacy – Ch. 10

Tackling R&I foreign interference. European Commission Staff working document

S4D4C research article: Knowledge power Europe

Leveraging Science Diplomacy in an Era of Geo-Economic Rivalry: Towards a European strategy

Marseille Declaration on International Cooperation in Research and Innovation

Alliance Policy Paper: Stressing the Importance of Science Diplomacy within EU Higher Education

Take Away Ideas Report: Science and Innovation Diplomacy in the Mediterranean

Strategic Forum for International S&T Cooperation: Work of the Science Diplomacy Task Force

Water Diplomacy – The New Modus Operandi of EU Diplomacy? Innovative Methods in Diplomatic Practice

WSDS21 Student Takes: Science Diplomacy against Neocolonialism in Field Research

ERA European Science Diplomacy Agenda

Taking the pulse of science diplomacy and developing practices of valuation

Envisioning a “science diplomacy 2.0”: on data, global challenges, and multi-layered networks

Alliance Policy Paper: Proposal to Strengthen the EU’s Global Approach to Research and Innovation

Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the "Global Approach to R&I"

Study on Austrian actors, networks and activities in the field of science diplomacy

WSDS21 Student Takes: Space diplomacy then and now

Science Diplomacy Review – April 2021

SFIC Opinion on the European Commission Communication „Global approach to research and innovation – Europe’s strategy for international cooperation in achanging world”

Council Conlusions on the EU Global Approach to Research and Innovation

European Commission: Global Approach to Research and Innovation

A repository for bilateral science and technology agreements: B-STA-R

WSDS21 Student Takes: ITER – SD success or failure?

France’s Science Diplomacy

Governing Technosciences in the Age of Grand Challenges

Building a Science Diplomacy Curriculum

What Is a Science Diplomat?

Science Diplomacy and Soviet-American Academic and Technical Exchanges

The Sensationalist Discourse of Science Diplomacy: A Critical Reflection

Collaboration and Competition: The Twofold Logic of Science Diplomacy

Innovation Diplomacy: A New Concept for Ancient Practices?

Decolonizing Science Diplomacy: A Case Study of the Dominican Republic’s COVID-19 Response

Introduction to the Forum on Science Diplomacy

Science and Diplomacy around the Earth: From the Man and Biosphere Programme to the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme

The (Science Diplomacy) Origins of the Cold War

Just Needham to Nixon? On Writing the History of “Science Diplomacy”

Early Twentieth-Century Ocean Science Diplomacy: Competition and Cooperation among North Sea Nations

In Praise of a Historical Storytelling Approach in Science Education

Friends in fission: US–Brazil relations and the global stresses of atomic energy, 1945–1955

On the road to Stockholm: A case study of the failure of Cold War international environmental initiatives (Prague Symposium, 1971)

A Matter of Courtesy: The Role of Soviet Diplomacy and Soviet “System Safeguards” in Maintaining Soviet Influence on Czechoslovak Science before and after 1968

Science for Competition among Powers: Geographical Knowledge, Colonial‐Diplomatic Networks, and the Scramble for Africa

Global resilience through knowledge-based cooperation: a new Protocol for Science Diplomacy

Diplomats in Science Diplomacy: Promoting Scientific and Technological Collaboration in International Relations

A nuclear monument the size of a football field: The diplomatic construction of soil nuclearity in the Palomares accident (Spain, 1966)

The scientific object and material diplomacy: The shipment of radioisotopes from the United States to Japan in 1950

The seismograph as a diplomatic object: The Soviet–American exchange of instruments, 1958–1964

Orphaned atoms: The first Moroccan reactor and the frameworks of nuclear diplomacy

Materialized internationalism: How the IAEA made the Vinča Dosimetry Experiment, and how the experiment made the IAEA

The Unflinching Mr. Smith and the Nuclear Age

WSDS20 Student Takes: Scramble for Africa

WSDS20 Student Takes: Towards a Joint Approach for EU Science Diplomacy

WSDS20 Student Takes: Science Diplomacy and the Litter at Sea

WSDS20 Student Takes: Traversing boundaries at a virtual week in Warsaw