
The science ministers of the G7 met in Italy to discuss research security and the future of large research infrastructures

The science ministers of the G7 met in Italy to discuss research security and the future of large research infrastructures

This year, Italy is hosting the G7 summit. Science ministers from France, Italy, the UK, US, Germany, Japan, Canada, and EU research commissioner Iliana Ivanova met in Bologna to discuss future collaboration.

  • The ministers discussed the risks of further tightening research security measures on global cooperation, amidst Western concerns about valuable knowledge leaking to China and Russia.
  • The G7’s research security and integrity working group has concluded its work, having produced several papers and established a virtual academy for information sharing. This academy will continue and expand to include countries with shared values. A dedicated security and integrity conference is scheduled for December in Bari.
  • In October, Italy will host a G7 conference on large research infrastructures to discuss their scientific and geopolitical impacts. The conference will explore new opportunities and potential collaborations among G7 members. Additionally, the G7 will start a global dialogue among research infrastructure managers from member countries. Large research infrastructures are among the frequently mentioned areas of cross-border cooperation in the context of science diplomacy.

Read more:

Read the Ministers' Meeting Communiqué

Photo: Italian ministry for universities and science