
Science Diplomacy in the European Union: Practices and Prospects

Most recently, the European Commission has started to revamp its institutional setting and policies, also in order to engage more explicitly in the field of Science Diplomacy. The S4D4C policy brief elaborates on three interrelated challenges, providing thorough insights into the field of science diplomacy within the EU and its Member States. First, the text aims to provide a precise yet encompassing conceptualisation of Science Diplomacy. Second, it discusses the question of coordinated responsibility in a multilevel-governance framework, i.e. EU vs. Member States. Finally, the text provides science diplomats and those who aim to become one with recommendations on necessary skills and tools for working at the intersection of S&T and foreign policy.

Flink and Rungius (2018).Science Diplomacy in the European Union: Practices and Prospects.

Available here.