
Science Diplomacy as an alternative career?

Science Diplomacy as an alternative career?

In previous projects, it has already been elaborated "What is a science diplomat?" and "Careers in Science Diplomacy".

More recently, the EURAXESS initiative is working on the launch of REBECA, the REsearchers Beyond ACAdemia mentoring programme.

REBECA wants to facilitate that young researchers from all over Europe reflect on their options beyond academia, including science diplomacy.

During 6 months, the mentoring programme will put in touch early-stage researchers working in European academic institutions with highly skilled professionals working in Europe in industry, management, and other sectors beyond academia related to science, engineering, mathematics, social science and humanities disciplines. The programme will facilitate a minimum of six meetings, where mentors and mentees will get to know each other, share their experiences and reflect on their professional perspectives. Organizers will provide the structure and contents to inspire a fruitful and beneficial relationship between pairs.

REBECA will soon open the call for mentors and mentees – if you are interested to join either as a mentor or mentee, visit later during November as the application phase is starting soon!

If you are interested or would like more information, you can also contact our Alliance partner FECYT via