
Alliance members publish in the Science Diplomacy Review Vol. 3 | No. 1 | April 2021

Alliance members publish in the Science Diplomacy Review Vol. 3 | No. 1 | April 2021

The Indian journal has been well accepted also by the European science diplomacy community of researchers and practitioners as a venue of publication.  The April issue presents an article combining experiences by "Using Science Diplomacy for tackling Global Challenges" (S4D4C) and "Inventing a Shared Science Diplomacy for Europe" (InsSciDE) discussing its training experiences: led by Nadia Mayer, the article surveys the European experience in training in science diplomacy and discusses possibilities for further widening and deepening the new generation of training on the topic. Furthermore, Maria Rentetzi (FAU) covering the history of nuclear diplomacy. Elke Dall (ZSI) and Mitchell Young (CUNI) present an event report from a focus group held under the S4D4C project titled "Using Future Scenarios of Science Diplomacy for Addressing Global Challenges". Our partner TWAS is reviewed in the section on institutions and the final networking meeting of S4D4C is covered. The journal develops into a global platform for the exchange of search, ideas, and experiences in the fast-growing world of science diplomacy.


Maria Rentetzi: From Securing the State to Safeguarding the Atom: The Relevance of History to Nuclear Diplomacy

Nadia Meyer, Rasmus Gjedssø Bertelsen, Natalia Czajkowska, Elke Dall, Ana Elorza, Maria Josten, Pascal Griset, Izaskun Lacunza, Lorenzo Melchor, Andreas P. Müller, Daniella Palmberg, Claire Mays: A New Generation of Trainings on Science Diplomacy for Global Challenges: Insights from two European Projects

Elke Dall and Mitchell Young: Using Future Scenarios of Science Diplomacy for Addressing Global Challenges

These and more articles are available at: