
Open position: Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Global Arctic Studies

Open position: Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Global Arctic Studies

The at the Department of Social Science (ISV), Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education (HSL) of University of Tromso (UiT) has an open position for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the Barents Chair in Politics (Professor Rasmus Gjedssø Bertelsen), expected to take part in the development of Arctic research at UiT. Science diplomacy will be very relevant. Deadline is 19 December. People are encouraged to reach out to our colleague Rasmus Gjedssø Bertelsen (phone:  +4777644304; email:

The position

The position is a fixed term position for a duration of 3 years. Appointment to the position of Postdoctoral Research Fellow is mainly intended to provide qualification for work in top academic positions. It is a prerequisite that the applicant can carry out the project over the full course of the employment period. No person may hold more than one fixed term position as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the same institution.

The position can additionally be assigned to teaching and related work for UiT in an amount equivalent to a maximum 15 % of a full-time employment.

The workplace is at UiT in Tromsø. You must be able to start in the position within a reasonable time after receiving the offer.

The Department of Social Science (ISV)

The Department of Social Science (ISV) is part of the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education and has approximately 70 faculty and PhD positions in the fields of sociology, political science, community planning, social anthropology and visual cultural studies. The department is additionally served by six administrative positions. The research profile of the department is thematically broad and diverse including research in Northern/Arctic issues, democracy, political processes and rights, security, environment and resource management, local and global transformation processes, health, welfare and work, as well as organization and leadership.

Research approaches are both theoretical and applied and include the development of themes that have been part of our long-standing and core research establishment as well as contributing to recent and innovative research. The Department of Social Science offers the full range of degree programs from bachelor to master and PhD, as well as provides several multidisciplinary courses and an extensive range of continuing education programs.

Position’s field of research

The postdoc is expected to do Arctic International Relations research with a focus on the Circumpolar Arctic. Areas of research can be the Arctic in international political, economic, technological and security systems; science, technology and international politics in the Arctic; science diplomacy; world order and Arctic order. Other approaches to Global Arctic Studies are welcome. Interdisciplinary proposals are encouraged.

The focus of the postdoc project can be adjusted, fine-tuned and further developed in accordance with the interests of the successful candidate, but the empirical basis should be based on the Circumpolar Arctic.

The postdoc is expected to collaborate with the Barents Chair in Politics to strengthen UiT’s research in Arctic International Relations. The postdoc vacancy offers the successful applicant a central position in Arctic International Relations research with extensive collaboration with academia, business, government, civil society, research funding bodies and research organizations throughout the Arctic states, Asia and Europe.

The applicant must provide a project proposal with a progress plan encompassing the project’s main activities, maximum 2000 words total. The proposal shall reflect on how the applicant’s academic, professional, linguistic, and other relevant skills and background contribute to an innovative Arctic International Relations research proposal. The applicant shall reflect on future research ideas building on the postdoc. It is a prerequisite that the applicant will be able to complete the project within the period of employment.

Contact and links

For further information about the position, please contact Deputy Head of Department Hans-Kristian Hernes:

or Professor Rasmus Gjedssø Bertelsen: