
New Policy Brief on Strengthening Science Diplomacy through Horizon Europe

New Policy Brief on Strengthening Science Diplomacy through Horizon Europe

A new policy brief titled "Strenghtening Science Diplomacy in and for Europe through Horizon Europe" has been released by the European Science Diplomacy Alliance. This brief was authored by Luk Van Langenhove, Diana Shendrikova, and Claire Mays, with the support from Javier Pardo-Diaz, Jean-Christophe Mauduit, Izaskun Lacunza, Charlotte Rungius, Mostafa Moonir Shawrav, Martin Reinhart, Emanuela Colombo, and Elke Dall.

The European Science Diplomacy Alliance presents this policy brief as a contribution to the ongoing discussion on future research requirements in the final work programme of Horizon Europe 2025-2027. When reflecting on research needs to support development of science diplomacy as a tool for Europe, it is important to acknowledge certain diverse challenges: the heterogeneity of functions attributed to science diplomacy; the normative or moral implications associated with the concept; the need to reconcile science diplomacy’s adherence to Open Science with growing calls for technological sovereignty; and, finally, the limited anchoring today of science diplomacy in universities, research centers and diplomatic bodies.

Policy Brief_EU SD Alliance_Horizon Europe_Feb 2024_Final release