
CIPS Seminar on Science Diplomacy and the European Union, 22 May

CIPS Seminar on Science Diplomacy and the European Union, 22 May

Science Diplomacy Seminar – Science Diplomacy and the European Union: What Experiences? What Perspectives?

Event Date: May 22, 2024 – 9:00am to 12:00pm
Location: FSS 4004, 120 University Private, University of Ottawa

This event is presented by CIPS, GSPIA and the French Embassy as part of a new project ‘Diplomatie scientifique/Science Diplomacy’ jointly funded by Ottawa U and the French Embassy.

This seminar, organized by Alexandra Gheciu (University of Ottawa), Patrick Fafard (University of Ottawa) and Pascal Griset (Sorbonne Université), visiting professor at the University of Ottawa, will present the main findings of the Horizon 2020 InsSciDE project “Inventing a Shared Science Diplomacy for Europe”. It will describe the prospects for the development of a science diplomacy in Europe and briefly review the implications for Canada.

The event will take place in English and in French. It will be followed by an informal buffet lunch from 12pm – 1pm.


Rethinking science diplomacy in France, Europe, and Canada

  • Alexandra Gheciu (University of Ottawa) and Pascal Griset (Sorbonne Université-Sirice)

Panel 1: Insscide project benefits and extensions (in French)

The InsSciDE project: main results and new initiatives (Formydhs)

  • Léonard Laborie, Research Fellow at CNRS (Sirice), former deputy director of the Insscide project

The example of the Arctic space: Europe, Norway and scientific diplomacy

  • Rasmus Bertelsen, Professor at the University of Trondheim

Break (from approximately 10:20am – 10:40am)

Panel 2: Structuring the European Union’s science diplomacy through research (in English)

The European Commission and science diplomacy

  • Jan Marco Muller, Coordinator for Science Diplomacy and Multilateral Relations European Commission, DG Research and Innovation.

Origins and development of EU science diplomacy

  • Leire Leguina Casas, Project Manager, EU Science Diplomacy Alliance and FECYT


France-Canada collaboration to advance research on science diplomacy

  • Patrick Fafard (Université d’Ottawa) and Pascal Griset (Sorbonne Université-Sirice)