
EU Science Diplomacy Alliance praised as an effective measure for sustaining project results

EU Science Diplomacy Alliance praised as an effective measure for sustaining project results

The European Union Science Diplomacy Alliance builds on three EU projects, EL-CSID (finished 2019), S4D4C (finished 2021) and InsSciDE (will finish 2022) and was launched at the final meeting of one of them: S4D4C, Using Science In/For Diplomacy For Addressing Global Challenges. This project has now received an external review and comments by evaluators who have applauded this institutionalization:

"… the launch of the European Union Science Diplomacy Alliance to facilitate interactions, training and capacity building for the growing community of practitioners and scholars, thereby implementing a highly effective measure for sustaining the project results through the institutionalization of SD practices.

The reviewers also highlight that

A high number of liaisons with other projects, initiatives and networks (e.g., European Science Open Forum, American Association for the Advancement of Science, European Consortium for Political Research), is of strategic importance for successful follow-up. The European Union Science Diplomacy Alliance announced at the S4D4C final meeting and based on the network of all the three clustering projects is an exceptional achievement.

The S4D4C team is thus celebrating this successful review and the collective effort. In the thoughtful and detailed report (14 pages) prepared by the reviewers, S4D4C’s achievements are highlighted – for example that the project …

  • delivered exceptional results with significant immediate and potential impact
  • is an exemplary Horizon 2020 project
  • met its ambition of strengthening the role of the EU as a global thought leader on Science Diplomacy
  • addressed priorities and objectives of the Call for proposals in a creative and impact-oriented manner and with ethical rigor
  • delivered more than expected in the DoA
  • done an impressive amount of work, which led to a record of significant results whose impact can already be measured
  • tangibly contributes to public sector innovation
  • proved the best value for money

On the project website, the next steps were outlined as follows:


What are the main project results?

  • If you want to get to know the project, please consult our About page and the information we summarised under the Impact page.
  • In S4D4C, we combined original conceptual and empirical work in order to advance our objectives. We built on and pushed beyond the theoretical state-of-the-art. We constructed a unique set of case studies (see here) and translated the empirical material into different outputs, for example, academically oriented as well as policy-oriented publications, training activities to maximise learning opportunities or the proposed governance framework to make our findings as relevant as possible.

How can you use them?

What happens after the project ended?

  • This website and all its content remain online until April 2025, 4 years after the end of the project.
  • The project partners and the individuals that formed part of the project team are most likely still available in case you have specific questions about the activities or outputs. We are certainly pleased to hear from you at any time in relation to the impact our work created, how you are using the results, toolkits and materials. You may use to get in touch.
  • Some of the partners, together with colleagues from other science diplomacy projects and stakeholders continue to work under the umbrella of the European Union Science Diplomacy Alliance. We recommend you to check out the website for updated information. The Alliance is reachable via
  • The community established through the project via social media and the European Science Diplomacy course will also be maintained under this Alliance. We invite you to keep connected via the LinkedIn Group and twitter.

Take care and let’s stay in touch!

Elke Dall, on behalf of the S4D4C consortium