Chairs and Work Programmes

The chairs of the Alliance establish a work program outlining their priorities for their term in office. Here you can find the work programmes of past and current chairmanships.

Founding Chair / until 30 June 2021

ZSI Centre for Social Innovation – Elke Dall;
priorities: 01 work programme EU SD Alliance_Launch – June 2021

Chair between July 2021 and December 2021

DLR-PT – Angela Schindler-Daniels and Stella Reschke;
priorities: 02 work programme EU SD Alliance_July-Dec 2021

Chair between January 2022 and June 2022

CNRS – Pascal Griset and Claire Mays;
priorities: 03 work programme EU SD Alliance_Jan-Jun 2022

Chair between July 2022 and December 2022

UNTRAD – Luk Van Langehove and Eric Piaget;
priorities: 04 work programme EU SD Alliance_July-Dec 2022

Chair between January 2023 and June 2023

MCAA – Mostafa Moonir Shawrav and Fernanda Babjanca;
priorities: 05 work programme EU SD Alliance_Jan-Jun 2023

Chair between July 2023 and June 2024

FECYT – Ana Elorza Moreno and Izaskun Lacunza Aguirrebengoa;
priorities: 06 work programme EU SD Alliance July-June 2024

Chair between July 2024 and June 2025

AVRIST – Pierre-Bruno Ruffini, Jean-Claude Arditti and Jean-Joinville Vacher; priorities: 07 work programme EU SD Alliance July 2024-June 2025